Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts

  • School.... snooze.
  • The insurance adjuster came out and cut us a check for the storm damage, now to get repairs done for as cheaply as possible.
  • I am going to use the remaining funds to put gutters on the house.
  • I pre-ordered Lord of the Rings extended edition on Blu-Ray (it comes out on the 28th).
  • It is touted (by reviewers) as the 'best blu-ray ever produced'!!!
  • It breaks my 'don't pay more than 9.99 for a blu-ray' rule but what do you expect?
  • I went to the Texas Comicon in San Antonio this weekend. Didn't do too bad (but not too good either).

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday Thoughts

  • We had rain the last 2 nights! And BAD winds. I went ahead (after a day of consideration) called insurance.
  • I played a baby abductor at work yesterday in a code pink drill. I wasn't able to make it out of the building. The staff did a good job.
  • My truck keeps eating up all it's oil and I don't know how or why. Methinks it might be getting time to trade up...
Uh... there's something missing off  the back porch... Nasty winds Monday and Tuesday.

Monday, June 20, 2011

  • More bad winds this weekend. Decatur got tore up (again).
  • I did some more work at the rent house... this is going to take a while.
  • I am listening to Swiss Family Robinson, what a PETA nightmare!
  • I spent a fair amount of time in the pool this weekend. The only way to be outside for any length of time.

Decatur signs that took the brunt of the damage. There is a lot of damage out there.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Thoughts

  • Shouldn't EVERYONE be angry with this?
  • I think the who new (new as in 71 VW Beetle) car thing fell through. I just can't see me spending money right now...
  • Next weekend I have a convention in San Antonio (that I have talked about) and everything seems OK now.
  • Work is starting to annoy me in general.
  • School is a bummer.
  • I've Diablo'd my self out. It's time to move on to a new game.
  • Yesterday I met Chris and Miguel in Fort Worth for some Season 2 re-filming. We got quite a bit done and made some people very annoyed. They tried to chuck us out of the Water Gardens but no... you can't kick us out for filming a not for profit video. Try again losers.
  • This is a huge box... you could fit a smaller person in side... what you see inside is ALL that came in it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday Thoughts

  • The Decatur Walmart is getting a remodel. I am 80% sure its because of the CVS that's about to open.
  • The Burleson Walmart got a remodel when the HEB was about to open too.
  • I am trying to worm my way into the Las Vegas Siemens conference this August... I don't know if work will bite though.
  • I started that blog about working my mom's rental. You can read it here.
  • I had to start school this week. I tested out of the first course but have to take the other 2. Its for the the HITECH medical informatics program. Basically IT in the healthcare field.
I have nothing to add about this photo...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts

  • Is it too much to ask our elected officials to have a little decorum and be business like and professional?
  • Apply that to ANYONE is government at this moment.
  • I found this great book called The Making of Star Wars (from 1997) and it is AWESOME!
  • I began working on my mom's rent house this last weekend... lots to do there. I will be blogging about it on my other blog soon.
  • I have a convention coming at the end of this month in San Antonio... unless they don't return my emails about their shoddy planning.
This is a shelf at the Fort Worth Public Library. I didn't do this BTW. It's Duran Duran's Greatest Hits and their album Pop Trash.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday Thoughts

  • I hate 'designer' toys... aka vinyl toys. They suck.
  • I'd love to ticket people who don't wash their hands after they use the restroom.
  • Our economy seems to be slowly going into the toilet... unless you ask the current administration... then things are 'great'.
  • Does it seem odd that the 2 (Pelosi, Reid) biggest proponents of the Nationalized Healthcare bill got 'waivers' for their states? If it was so great and so needed, why get waivers???

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Thoughts

  • We are having a poker party at the house tonight.
  • TV execs (caught on tape) admitting to pushing a liberal agenda on TV... how shocking?!
  • I had to run a new phone line under the house Wednesday. What a beating! I do NOW have my Internet AP behind the television in the living room so it's roughly in the middle of the house.
  • I should be getting some pictures of the car I'm looking at buying today... can't wait.
  • I CAN say it rhymes with Bolks Gaggon.
This was a disturbing image (while on the way to Corpus). It's on a trailer.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday Thoughts

  • Went to work for most of the day Monday then home for some swimming, barbeque, and a little yard work.
  • I got my new tape deck in my truck... so happy about that. You know how hard it is to find those now a days. It seems Pyle is the only people making them and they are sucky. I found a NOS Sony on Ebay.
  • I have another convention at the end of the month in San Antonio. I hope its as big as the Dallas Comicon.
  • I will be using the money to buy a car... details later!
  • Why is it that only elected Democrats say the stupidest things? Like this and this? Where are the videos of ignorant elected Republicans? Hummmmm......