- I've been out of town for the last week visitin' my brother in Colorado.
- Went snowmobiling on Christmas day. Done it before. I think once was enough.
- I finally saw Tron... in 3D and Imax.
- The verdict is in... I can do without 3D.
- I am starting up a business again selling Anime models. Maybe this time it will work.
- I will NOT be opening up a shop however.
- Tuesday James, Chris, and Loren came over for a game day. We played The New Dungeon, Carcassone, and Skull And Sword. Before the others got there James and I played Carcassone Castle.
- I was on call for work last week... hence no posts cause I was too exhausted with lack of sleep. Oh well, it paid the mortgage for next month.
- I hit a dear heading into work Saturday night (I was heading into work, not the dear).
- I tagged it's rear so I don't know if I killed it right away or if it died later or is just limping.
- I feel bad about it.
- I have been organizing my PC files. I think I will 'downgrade' to XP. I have too many programs that don't work right on Windows 7.
- I remember having 'upgrade issues' when I had to move to Windows 95 from Windows 3.11.
- At some point I will 'just need to let go'.
- I swear EVERYONE has to be out shopping all day everyday during the month of December.
- We are heading out to Colorado to visit family for Christmas on Wednesday. 12 Hours of fun driving... NOT.
- The ONLY thing I dread about it is icy road conditions.
- I watched District 9 and I really liked it (I didn't think I would).
- I am now watching The Last Airbender.
- I consider myself an Airbender (after one too many Taco Bell bean burritos).
- I have ordered Darth Vader's FX Ligthsaber with removable blade from Entertainment Earth. I can't wait to get it.
- My job is being extra stingy this year with Christmas bonuses. Really stingy! From 350+ dollars last year to... wait for it... 50 dollars this year. 35 dollars after tax... sheesh.
- I STILL can't complain. One year I got 7 dollars from Kmart.
- I get so envious when I hear of companies giving their employees 1,000 or more bucks for a Christmas bonus.
- Time is approaching for 2011 yearly goals to be set. I think I have some big ones coming this year.
- I ordered Fantasia/Fantasia 2000 on Bluray for myself for Christmas. There is something about them that I really like.
- We are having a Unitedway drawing for a 47" TV today. After my tough lesson learned several years back... I will not be spending any more than 1 dollar on this drawing.
- Is it just me or do young guys who wear hats like this just come across as automatic douche bags?
- I finally got to watch Iron Man 2 last night. Man that movie is so full of holes. Here is a big one... Black Widow (the Shield Agent) gets into the bad guy's PC and 'reboots' Rhodes suit... why couldn't she have simply turned off all the drones while she was at it???
- What's nicer than getting an award for your production business??? Getting one in the mail yesterday that had your name on it.
- I am trying out Ubuntu Linux on an extra PC at my desk at work. It runs so much smoother that Windows... too bad it doesn't support everything Windows does.
- I better keep quiet, it administration hears about a free OS, I will be installing it on all 900 PCs here...
- Chris came over last week (for the first time in for forever) and we discussed goals and such. It's that time again... have to stay on top of them this time.