Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Thoughts

  • I have ordered Darth Vader's FX Ligthsaber with removable blade from Entertainment Earth. I can't wait to get it.
  • My job is being extra stingy this year with Christmas bonuses. Really stingy! From 350+ dollars last year to... wait for it... 50 dollars this year. 35 dollars after tax... sheesh.
  • I STILL can't complain. One year I got 7 dollars from Kmart.
  • I get so envious when I hear of companies giving their employees 1,000 or more bucks for a Christmas bonus.
  • Time is approaching for 2011 yearly goals to be set. I think I have some big ones coming this year.
  • I ordered Fantasia/Fantasia 2000 on Bluray for myself for Christmas. There is something about them that I really like.
  • We are having a Unitedway drawing for a 47" TV today. After my tough lesson learned several years back... I will not be spending any more than 1 dollar on this drawing.

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