Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday Thoughts

  • Having bad heartburn after the sickness I had a few days ago.
  • It must have been a nasty bug, many people have gotten it.
  • Did anyone else notice the re-use of a couple of Asian actors on MASH? There are like 2 guys who show up in SEVERAL episodes as a focal character (each character is different though!)
  • The snow yesterday was sooooo much nicer than that tornatic snowstorm we had Christmas Eve.
  • Did you know Stan Lee started working for Marvel Comics at age 17? He is like older than dirt now. How about THAT for work ethic!
  • I have now taken to feeding Hitler House Cat through one of the air vents. You can kinda push it out of the way enough to get your hand through with some food in it.
  • Not sure what to do about that cat yet.
  • To save money we will be canceling our Dish Network soon. I am sure they will try to give me 3 months free and all that crap to keep me, but no go, it's gotta go.
  • Can I live without Food Network... bet your ass I can!
  • That channel makes my head ache and my stomach turn.
  • I used to enjoy the cooking shows on PBS better (back in the day).
  • Although America's Test Kitchen on PBS is very interesting. A+

Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday Thoughts

  • Christmas was great... the 2 days after were baaaadddd. Got some sort of illness and was spewing from both ends...
  • Watched the whole Clatterford Season 2 the day after Christmas. It's strange becasue I am not usually into sitcoms that don't have a laugh track.
  • I am now watching The Mighty Boosh Season 2. Man it's a strange show but I can't seem to stop watching.
  • It seems to me this is what According To Whim would be like if we had a real TV show.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

  • I hope coming into work today doesn't backfire and I get stuck here, weather on the way.
  • I just watched a vid shot in summer and there were cicadas in the background, now I can still hear them. I'm freaking out man!
  • Do you have a best friend? Well you should if you don't.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wednesday Thoughts

  • I have decided that congressional 'earmarks' should be illegal.
  • I think all the negative publicity they are getting will cause for some action to be taken.
  • I wonder (if they were to answer truthfully) if ANY congressman has read the health bill...
  • The commercial for Jerry's in Weatherford (car dealership) is like watching a commercial made for the movie deliverance. That guy is H.I.C.K. Nice I guess, but a hick none-the-less.
  • I can't wait for the time when cell phones are made illegal because of their health hazard and we go back to using land lines.
  • If evolution is as real as science makes it out to be, why don't we have half human/half apes walking around? Just a thought...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mid Day Thought

Just FYI, this little story was written 2 years ago. My how things are still the same...

I occurred to me that society is headed down the drain. Anything we can do about it? Nah, probably not. You see it would take a huge (and I mean huge) change in the structure of our society such as a catastrophic event to really change how we as a people act.

Here’s the reason we are heading down this path. I was eating at Chili’s one night and a group of teenagers were in the booth behind me. I heard them asking the waiter how much they should tip him. This is when I realized we are doomed as a society.

This current generation has had everything spoon fed to them. They have been told what to eat, wear, think and in the not too distant future they will be ripe for someone to just take over and run every aspect of their lives. Thus, there is going to be an even smaller elite ruling class in the years to come.

Now I am not saying that it’s just the current generation’s lack of self exploration, it’s been happening for quite some time now. It seems to be (without actual research) that somewhere in the 60’s or 70’s that our society moved to this sort of ‘spoon fed’ mentality. They did it because they could. They wanted the best for their offspring and they did what they could which meant really molly coddling their kids. This has continued and is now at a point where it is out of control. When kids come into the adult world with no life skills they are going to be easy picking for any group or people who spend the effort to influence those uncertain minds.
What I see is what I have said, a very small elite ruling class, a dictatorship, or some other all-controlling power.

I suppose that this will lead to some sort of revolution and all that jazz. I suppose it would be pretty close to H.G. Wells vision of humanity in The Time Machine. Won’t that be interesting?

Tuesday Thoughts

  • How can it be legal to 'pay off' members of congress with perks in bills? This whole Nebraska thing... it seems criminal to give perks to one state and shirk the rest. Now the rest of us will be fitting the bill for their payoff. That can't be legal.
  • Enough enough political talk! Sorry.
  • Do you remember when BBS (bulletin board systems) were the only ways to communicate electronically?
  • Do you remember when movie only had optical effects (no digital ones)?
  • Do you remember when you didn't worry that your fart was destroying the earth?
  • Ah, the good old days.
  • Going to try and clean up files and emails on this slow day.
  • Got an echo-cardiogram this morning, for what reason you ask... no reason, just know some people.
  • Got interviewed by local newspaper yesterday for the public access show. We will see if it goes anywhere.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday Thoughts

  • Long ago I switched from being excited about getting at Christmas to being excited about giving.
  • Can you believe this health care bill? They are simply passing junk so they can get a foothold so they can morph it to a nightmare later. It looks nothing like it was supposed to be originally.
  • I can't wait for it's outcome (the new taxes, etc). Then I can't wait for the elections!
  • Payback is a BITCH.
  • All this irritates me so much.
  • Also I was listening to NPR prattle on about their favorite subject Copenhagen this weekend. Man some 'international important people' are really pissed they aren't getting a ton of free money and fast. It all sounds like a load of crap to me.
  • No mention from the BBC during all this about the phony 'research' and how it has skewed all data it was used in... hum... My theory is is that it's a big money making scam.
  • What I don't understand is how the president can make any binding contracts without the consent of the American People. That sounds a little illegal to me.
  • I think a lot of our problems in this nation would be solved if you removed all everyone in congress and replaced them with randomly chosen college graduates (40+ years old) every other year. Once chosen and once you did your duty, you could never run for any other office ever.
  • THINK about that last point. Pretty smart.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

  • Want to know what Glee is about? Here it is in easy to comprehend format: Glee club encounters strife from without, from within, and from unfriendly staff. They overcome by the end of the episode and they sing a lot. I'd rather visit the dentist than watch.
  • There are EVEN MORE commercial breaks in shows online than on TV, sheesh!
  • Fox ran a story about Dallas Water employees suing because of racial abuse. Apparently it happened years ago and was delt with by the city... uh someone wanted some cash in hard economic times so they decided to use the only thing they could.
  • Chris came over and we filmed 2 more short scenes for Season 2 of my show. Getting there... slowly.
  • Do you know how many calories are in a chocolate shake? OMG
  • A lot of 'long tongued' girls showing up on the inter-webs lately. I see a new fetish forming and a whole new sub-genre of porn being created.
  • I honestly believe that Apple's goal is to control your ENTIRE LIFE through I-Tunes. I swear it.
  • Scratching your ass?... There's an app for it. LOL
  • You know LaChoy Chinese food in a can? That stuff should be outlawed. I'll pass.
  • Lost the 2009 NetRunner CCG Tourney last night. We only got to play 5 times over the year but at least we played.
  • Can't wait until May.
  • Will my ship ever come in? Nope I think not. I will just have to build a damn raft of my own.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday Thoughts

  • Obtaining an Evil Dead and Army of Darkness autographed movie poster today!
  • Fox News is really critical towards the current White House Administration. Now everyone might say they shouldn't be but if they weren't, who would be? Someone needs to be.
  • BTW in Obama's Oprah show the other night he blamed Bush again.
  • Just wait until things start turning around, I wonder if he will say it was Bush's doing?
  • House Democrats have dropped almost EVERYTHING they originally wanted with the health care bill. It's almost pointless now. But, Rahm Emanuel told them that job #1 was to pass SOMETHING.
  • It's all about what they can claim during election time, not what good they actually accomplish.
  • I forsee a change in power in the not too distant future.
  • Then the republicans can have their chance to screw it up.
  • Didn't see that comment coming, did you?!
  • The (somewhat feral) cat I keep saving from under the house has a 'Hitler-like' mark under it's nose. We call it Hitler House Cat. The pic in this post IS NOT that cat.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday Thoughts

  • The level of driving douchebaggery in the month of December continues.
  • Went to Sushi Axiom yesterday. I still like O I Shii Sushi better. I don't like traditional sushi (I can't claim to be a poser). I like mine cooked. Raw is too mushy.
  • Bowled at Main Event yesterday too. Nice enough place. Very expensive to bowl.
  • Remember the old days when you had to figure up your own bowling score and you wrote it with the wax pencil on that overhead projector? Awesome!
  • I want to visit the newly renovated Museum of Science and History in FW but I am kind of afraid I will be disappointed. So many good memories there.
  • Saved a cat TWICE from under the house this weekend. It kept getting lost in the insulation. That makes 3 times I have saved cats over the years. I should be a cat god by now.
  • I am working on a 'french drain' to keep water from under the house. It requires a lot of digging.
  • We FINALLY set up the Christmas tree and lights on the house. I don't like doing it any early than this though.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Thoughts

  • When the crappy water company switched back on my water a pipe burst. More fun.
  • Ni America is a crappy utility company! CRAPPY.
  • They don't accept credit/debit payments on line/phone/ or EVEN in person!!!!!
  • Nice to see I still have a knack for fixing PVC.
  • I had a lot more written here but F'ING Internet Exporer DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO WORK PROPERLY!
  • That is all for now.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

  • So amused by the president's speech I made a separate post about it.
  • Had a half a peanut butter sandwich last night.. oh man that was good.
  • Wrote a letter to the president of my water company about the whole water shut off situation. We will see if I illicit a response.
  • Posted a message on craigslist about movie theaters for sale, go no real response but a couple of interested people. I'm not the only one interested in running a theater.
  • 50 free pics just for creating a SnapFish account? What's the catch???
  • I am listening to an audio book in the truck and I am so frustrated with the reader's slowness I am almost ready to quit listening.
  • Did you know those bamboo you buy at grocery stores for gifts (the ones in strange shapes) are not bamboo at all? They are a type of house plant!

Oh my

Have you ever faked a book report? I did in 6th grade. I went before the class and made up a book report about a The Old Man and the Sea.

Oh, sorry anyway... the president made his Nobel Peace Prize speech and I watched a bit of it...

Oh man. Just put yourself in his place for a second. You get a letter stating that you won the peace prize and the cash that comes with it as long as you go make a speech when you accept it.
You decide to do it (cause you need the cash real bad).

What do you make a speech about?

Well, (you think) it's the Nobel Peace Prize... so I'll make a speech about peace.

That is EXACTLY what happened today.

I suspect that when someone won the Nobel Peace Prize for helping liberate an oppressed tribe in Africa, THEIR speech was about that... their experience in helping those people, right?

What if you don't know why you won the award? What would YOU talk about... peace of course!

This is what happened this morning.

Too funny.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday Thoughts

  • Do you find that when you over-say a word it looses it's meaning? I was looking into propagating my bamboo plant and I was watching videos for it and the host said bamboo so many times that the word just starts sounding funny. Try it, keep saying bamboo over and over again.
  • Water was shut off for non-payment. Only problem... I didn't get that month's bill in the mail NOR the notice of shut off they claim they sent in the mail too. Time to bitch them out. I aint payin' a reconnection fee.
  • Money is REALLY tight right now. Wrong time of the year for that.
  • I'm not sure I can handle owning 3 cats. Its way harder than 2 cats.
  • The wife's hedgehog is no problem... as long as you keep one of your rooms a sauna all the time. Why someone would want a pet who's care is a life and death balancing act is beyond me.
  • Remember my 'they will forever blame Bush' speech? Well, Obama did it again yesterday.
  • Man I am tired of being right about these goofs all the time.
  • I bought these pop on caps for your 12 oz coke cans. They let you seal up your can so it won't go flat in the fridge. Awesome! It basically turns a soda can into a bottle.
  • When will virtual AI newscasters take over? I get hives from watching morning news people.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday Thoughts

  • It was friggin' cold in the house this weekend.
  • I hate mobile homes.
  • Newfairview lives up to the phrase 'trailer trash'.
  • I mistakenly went to Toys R Us Saturday during a big sale because when I walked in it was a madhouse.
  • People were driving EXCEPTIONALLY bad (and rudely) this weekend.
  • The faster you come up behind me and the closer you get, the slower I go.
  • One of the cats was very needy this weekend and kept climbing up on me to sleep while I was watching TV.
  • My friend came over Sunday and we played a bunch of board games. I needed that.
  • Is it just me or is Fox and Friends a freakshow? CNN isn't much better. The people are all sooo annoying. It's like the rejects from Home Shopping Network.
  • It's silent auction time this week at work. Time for me to rack up on some Christmas gifts.
  • I have never seen a forsale sign on that General Cinema building in front of Toys R Us. I wonder if it's forsale? Anyone have any investment capital???

Friday, December 4, 2009

Things to help the economy

Ok. I have annoyed everyone enough with my bashing of the current administration and their lack of doing anything useful. I will now give some advice which I am sure will never been seen by them. Oh well, its their loss.

Ways to help the economy:

Of course you are going to say to yourself 'they can't do that, it's impossible' etc, but I don't think it is. The government has done some crazy stuff over the years and I think they could do some of these things.

1.) Declare one business day in the U.S. as a interest free day on debt. No debt in any U.S. based business can accrue any interest for one day. Sure it will piss off some companies but I but we will get to see what some think like that can do and use it to a larger extent (if it works). Do I know if this will work (by saving people and companies huge amounts of money), no but it is something to TRY. Note that word... try. No one in government seems to have the balls to try new things cause they are afraid they will not be re-elected.

2.) Become more economically isolationist. Yes, it would piss off other nations but I bet you anything the U.S. economy would start picking up steam if the money people spent stayed in the country.

3.) Cut taxes. Not small cuts but BIG ASS ONES. Do some serious looking at government funding and cut back everything that isn't absolutely necessary. Cut taxes that will go across the board.

4.) Hire Steve Forbes as an economic consultant. In fact hire a whole pool of financial experts that are not cabinet appointees. Real people who have skills and not people who 'know' other people.

Ok, I know I'm not too smart but here are a few things to think about.

Friday Thoughts

  • Some Democrat Senator was being interviewed on CNN about the jobs numbers just released and instead of being helpful or insightful, THE FIRST THING she says is that the job loss data was better than the last month of the Bush administration.
  • I TOLD YOU Bush was going to be their excuse FOR EVAR.
  • Washington is out of touch.
  • You know I was going to steer away from anti-democrat rhetoric but it just didn't happen.
  • BTW I did not for either party for president.
  • I voted for this man (I did, seriously).
  • I watched Creepshow. I forgot how fun that movie was.
  • No snow for Newfairview (or anywhere nearby). Oh well, no day home from work).
  • Do you ever get the feeling your life should be more than it is? I do... all the time.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday Thoughts

  • Ok, strike that 'snow - YEAH SURE' comment from yesterday.
  • Global Warming a fake? Companies spending trillions on 'green technology' for no real reason?! Just a few people 'fixing' the system for their own gain!? Is ANYONE really surprised? Will it stop politicians from finding new ways to tax us... nope.
  • Watched Evil Dead with no audio commentary last night. That's the 2nd time I have done that and about the 5th time I watched it total. The audio commentary is so great!
  • Reading Bill Warren's Evil Dead Companion. A thoroughly entertaining book (gave me the idea about owning my own theater.
  • Most enjoyable movie 'group' experience I ever had = watching Gladiator with a packed audience.
  • I watched Yahoo!'s 2009 recap video. It occurs to me that our world is merely a series of sound bytes. Our culture is so shallow and self indulgent it makes me want to puke. Watch it yourself and make up your own mind. It's all about making everyone feel included (our society, not the video).
  • You know the economy WILL NEVER be Obama's fault. His supporters will forever blame Bush just like Clinton supporters blamed Bush when the economy crapped out at the first of his first term (they seemed to have failed to notice the economy crapped out 6 months before Clinton left office).
  • When he is booted from office, he supporters will blame his failure to do ANYTHING successfully on his opposition (not Obama himself).
  • Pass the buck... The American Way.

Obligitory Snow Picture - Rhome/NewFairview Tx


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday Thoughts

  • For all the crap people on the Internet talk about McDonald's, it hasn't appeared to hurt their business.
  • I think the majority of 'commenters' on the Internet are tweens. Just read comments on any YouTube video and you will see what I mean.
  • Snow tomorrow... YEAH RIGHT!
  • None of my friends seem to be warming to my idea of owing a movie theater... oh well another great idea down the tubes.
  • I have few friends and those friends are very important to me.
  • Unfortunately I'm not that important to them.
  • I realize how sad that statement is but it's true.
  • I wish I had one or two SUPER best friends.
  • I have been reading a bit about West Fort Worth (my favorite place in all of existence) and how great the 7th Street/Camp Bowie Museum area new construction is. I REALLY miss old West Fort Worth. That stuff was the identity of the city, now it's just some generic stuff.
  • Anyone have a movie theater I could buy in the area?
  • Utilizing my banks 'skip a car payment' for January. Its a break I really really need.
  • My work PC's IE is jacked so I am using Firefox until I have a solution.
  • All the add-ons for Firefox make it fun.
  • Google's Chrome... no thanks. I'd like to keep SOME THINGS private.
  • I do however LOVE Google earth.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Mid Day Thoughts

  • Wataburger puts crack in their meat (just like McDonalds puts crack in their coke).
  • Back to working out... sheesh.
  • Ok, life goal thing I talked about eariler. Might possibly maybe being interested in owning a movie theater.
  • I wonder why there were never forsale signs on the GC movie theater in the Toys R Us parking lot at Ridgmar. It's still sitting there empty after all those years.
  • The last movie I saw there was Blade Runner Director's cut.
  • These black dudes just kept talk and talking during the whole movie.
  • I loved going to the 7th street theater off Camp Bowie. I can't believe they knocked it down. It was sooooo retro.
  • The last movie I saw there was The Little Mermaid.
  • The last move that played there was The Haunting (see pic).
  • I am thinking a Tavern Movie Theater is going to be the only way a movie theater will work in the future. Beer = Money.
  • I'd like to rent out theater screens for amateur made movies.
  • Decatur Wallyworld was not THAT packed on Black Friday. Not like the Burleson one.

Monday Memory Dump

  • Watching old video of NASA, it's hilarious to see them 'light up' inside mission control with all that high tech equipment.
  • Thanksgiving was good, no shopping on the day after = great.
  • Got the septic problem fixed with help from father in law. It was a clod of soap and hair.. gross.
  • Got the electrical problem hounding us for two months fixed with the help of the father in law again. It was a short in some little connector under the house.
  • I can't believe people would be waiting at 3 in the morning for a store to open.
  • I got some great Blu-ray deals online though.
  • My illness settled in my chest this weekend so now I am coughing.
  • I always thought that was a strange term 'settled in the chest', but when it happens to you that's about the best way to describe it.
  • I am having to medicate one of the cats twice each day. Man does she hate it! I have to practically wrestle with her.
  • Saw Seven on Saturday night. That was a good movie. Was thinking it was more of a horror movie for some reason.
  • I think I have decided on a BIG life goal for the next 3 years. I will tell you all about it later.
  • Watched Angles and Demons yesterday. Ehh, it was ok. I liked the book better but don't we always like the book better.
  • Saw some of the Rockette's Christmas show on PBS. I can't imagine spending good money to go see that.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday Memory Dump

  • Still sick. I did sleep better last night though.
  • One of the cats has uninary infection, time to medicate.
  • Did a little more cleaning but didn't feel like much more than that.
  • Watched Inkheart last night. The movie just shouldn't have been made. It has too many plot holes to make sense. I enjoyed the book though.
  • Does 'Inkheart' and 'The Mummy' actor Brenden Frazier EVER age? I think not.
  • Going to try and fix the plumbing today with the Father-in-law.
  • Got paid a day early... needed that!
  • I have my shopping cart on Amazon full of Blu-Rays. Will see if the price changes today, tomorrorw, or Friday.
  • Just spent an hour figuring out a printer jam issue. Not a jam but a whacked out sensor.

Transformers 2 Movie Review

Have you ever been itchy for a movie to be over?
I have.
Godzilla (the U.S. one) and this robotic turd in the water pipe.

What I didn't like about this movie:

1.) Language. This movie was crude. Robots don't talk like that.
2.) Robots that look like humans. I don't even want to begin the hour long bitchfest about how a human-like robot does not even make sense in a Transformers movie. If she could do it why in hell wouldn't all the other transformers do the same???
3.) Humping dogs and robots.
4.) Plot lines so blatant I expected to see Michael Bay staning with a sign that said: 'here comes a plot line'.
5.) Did I mention the language?
6.) Robot testicles.
7.) The Matrix of Leadership was a kick ass device, not a wicker-work coffee table sculpture.
8.) Who the hell was the Fallen? What a waste. Now if you want an ultimate villan bring on UNICRON (just wait until the 3rd movie for that one).
9.) Parachutes with the autobot symbol painted on it? Sheesh!
10.) Michael Bay = Camera moving so much you get motion sickness.
11.) Urban thug autobots with gold teeth.

12.) Robots so generic looking you often forget who you are looking at (the franchise's biggest fault).
13.) Bizzare ending. Michael looked at the clock and said: 'Oops, movie is out of time. End it here.'

Ok, enough already. If you are remotely interested I'm sure it's ok to watch Trasformers 2: Revenge of the BoxOffice.

This is what the Matrix of Leadership should be like...
and yes, along with that radical music too!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday Memory Dump

  • Got ANOTHER sinus infeciton yesterday. Feel like crap now.
  • Watching Cosmos episode where Carl talks about 'evil mankind'... barf.
  • When driving home I saw the local pack of chihuahuas and their new buddy, a piglet. Man I live in the country.
  • Forgot my cel phone at home... how o how will I survive?!?!
  • Got Poo? NO. Apparently after spending a crap load of money (pun intended) it's not the septic thats the issue. It's some plumbing under the house. ugh.
  • Tried sulfuric acid on the drains, that stuff is LETHAL. Still no workie.
  • Cleaned the house last night for T-day. Still more to do tonight.
  • Have to refill the 5 gallon water bottle today. We can't drink New Fairview water, too nasty. Then again, isnt all tap water nasty?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Star Trek Movie Review

I watched the new J.J. Abrams Star Trek this weekend and have a few comments.
Of course I am being nit picky but that's what makes it fun!
The movie is good. It's action packed and filled with decent acting and very good special effects.
With that said let the fun begin...
1.) Too many halogen lights. Has the distance future learned that LEDs suck as a light source? I realize it was an artistic thing but it was annoying to have that light glare in every scene.
2.) Like every movie made now-a-days the camera moves too much. It's wayyy better than Roland Emmerich or Michael Bay but still...
3.) The plot was waaaayyyyyy too convoluted. The movie was clearly built around a premise (the crew) and the plot came later.
4.) Was it just me or did the engine room of the Enterprise look like a brewery with a few computer monitors spread about?
5.) You mean to tell me that there were NO ships around Earth when Nero shows up? How many Star Treks does that make were Earth is left without even one ship that can defend the planet?
6.) If the 'red matter' was so powerful and could create a black hole when ignited WHY O WHY did they have to drill into the core of a planet to use it? Just drop it on the planet and go. Oh well, the whole drill thing makes for more excitement.
I still enjoyed it thoroughly and I am sure I will buy it or get it for Christmas so I can nitpick over and over again.

Monday Memory Dump

  • Septic is full. You have poo??? Call Ledoo!
  • Listened to Prairie Home Companion yesterday. Just because you can get on the radio and sing DOES NOT mean you should... sorry Garrison. Either that or get a auto-tuner.
  • Yesterday I saw at least 10 4-wheelers on the back of trucks going and coming on 287.
  • I don't care for their parent company but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Rosa's Cafe (off 35 at Western Center).
  • I replaced that toilet was moaning about last week. It lived up to it's unpleasantness.
  • Chased a possum off the back porch last night. I'm sure they are under the house tearing it up again.
  • I love lists (as I have said before) but I can't stand the list you see on websites like: 10 of the best custom homes, 15 of the worst mid-air accidents, etc... I guess they make these list so people will know they will be quick and easy to look at (in our 'I want it now' society).
  • You know that most gas stations don't make money off their gas, they make money off the crap in their stores. Well think about QT, they must be making a killing!
  • I finished Transformers 2 and Star Trek and I will post reviews later.

This Week's Star Gazer

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday Memory Dump

  • I saw someone sprinting from the hospital yesterday and someone chasing them, then 2 sheriff's vehicles show up soon afterwards...
  • Had some Dr. Pepper cake. More like chocolate but it sure was good!
  • Almost done with Transformers 2. Still not impressed. I actually stopped to go watch an old episode of MASH.
  • The MASH finale is STILL the most watched TV show of all time.
  • The actual Korean war lasted 3 years, the show lasted 11!
  • The camp announcer that you hear in every episode was never actually shown.
  • There were 3 spin-offs to MASH: AfterMASH, WALTER, and Trapper John, MD. Although Trapper John was actually a spin-off of the original MASH book.
  • Now you know all about MASH.
  • Have no idea what to do this weekend.
  • There is a lot of 'passing the buck' in my work.
  • Having to fix a leaking toliet tomorrow... ugh.
  • New Fairview needs a cat ordinance, they are taking over!
  • Will anyone ever rent the space out above Kusin's in New Fairview?
  • I think that guy (who owns Kusin's building) built all of it from the money from Oil or Gas on the land.
  • The Dairy Queen in Rhome es no bueno. I used to be scared to eat in there, it's very nasty.

This IS real, I remember hearing it on the radio

I took this from Blake's MW2 page

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday Memory Dump

  • While browsing Blogger accounts it seems that anyone with a camera touts themselves as a photographer.
  • Frito Burrito at Sonic is made of the stuff of life!
  • It's gonna cost 20 bucks to clean a comforter that the cat peed on.
  • I bought some 100 calorie right bite fudge cookies... man there is a LOT of wasted packaging there.
  • Irish Spring ran out so I had to use the wife's oatmeal soap. Not too happy about that.
  • I need to take 'real' vacations. I don't really care to but I am guess someday I will regret the fact that I didn't.
  • Looks like I will be going to Boston (again) for training next May. Not sure how I feel about it at the moment.
  • If you are trying to cut back on sweets then suddenly you notice how good something sweet that you didn't think was all that great, you know you are on the right track.
  • I am sure that last statement made several dead college grammar professors roll in their graves.
  • I have only developed a liking for Tabasco sauce in the last 3 years. I used to hate it. Well, it still stinks but it does add some kick to foods.
  • Had a fanstastic idea for a story yesterday involving time travel. Now I have to see if that particular idea has been done already.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mid Day Thoughts

  • Everyone is in a panty-bunch over the Sarah Palin Newsweek cover photo. I think the caption is FAR more offending. Also, shes a looker!
  • Someone made a good point about overweight people. Unlike alcoholics who are told to just stop drinking, an overweight person can't just stop eating. Its like telling that alcoholic that they need to stop getting drunk but they still have to drink a little each day to stay alive.
  • I am testing a weird 'sealed' mouse (sealed in rubber to keep germs out). It's very unusual.
  • I am talking about a computer mouse, not some S&M inclined rodent.
  • How do you irritate a God denouncing scientist: ask them exactly how evolution works. Don't take generalities, ask them to tell you exactly. It's basically just a 'magical' as religion because they can't explain it. Watch their head spin off.
  • How do you irritate a God denouncing scientist: ask them 'if God is supposed to be the All Knowing Supreme Being, how is it that he is not smart enough to have created evolution?' Watch their head explode.
  • If religion was man-made it was the most ingenious creation ever. It's very basis can counter any argument against it. All powerful being = trump any argument.
  • Can you remember the 1920's? You can't but you know what you have seen about the 20's. When you try to think about that fact that you didn't exist you mind starts eating itself.
  • Sorry if I'm being esoteric this afternoon.

Star Gazer - November 16th - 22nd

Here you go. This is so great.

G.I. Joe - The Movie

Ok, I thought I must say more than a one-line blip about watching this movie so here we go.


1.) I grew up on 80's G.I. Joe.
2.) I had no high expectations about this movie going in.

I finally got around to seeing G.I. Joe - Rise of Box Office this weekend on DVD. I enjoyed it. It was full of what you would expect from a summer blockbuster, lots of explosions.

My gripes:

1.) Plot holes so big you could drive Optimus Prime though them:

  • So the team stopped the last batch of Nano machines by sending them into space then just dropping the whole thing. Hello!? They just left them out there to reek havoc on anything in the atmosphere (after hyping up the danger of the little buggers).
  • How does Cobra so easily break into the SUPER HIGHTECH G.I. Joe HQ?!
  • How does G.I. Joe so easily break int the SUPER HIGHTECH Cobra HQ?!
  • The NeoVipers don't scream because they feel no fear or pain. But they sure screamed alot when getting blown up and stuff.

2.) Characters:

  • The Baroness should have just been a bad guy and not some goodie goodie one under someone's control. She is a hot bad-guy and should have remained so.
  • Duke (and this is my biggest annoyance with the movie) was a wigger.
  • Cobra Commander should have been a different character, more mysterious, less dorky.

3.) Technology:

  • The technology where things just form (aka the cowcatcher on the front of the cobra hummer in the Paris chase scene) sucks. I hate this effects and several moview use it. It looks too alien and 'magical'. The same effects can be seen in the 1989 Batman (the batmobile) and the newer batman. Armor that just forms out of nowhere pushes unbeliviable a little too far.
  • Product placement: Cisco hologram technology.
That's pretty much it. It was a wild ride that I expected it to be. I liked the Doctor character. He was just hovering on the verge of realism and fantasy.

I must admit I am liking G.I. Joe - Rise of Sequel better than Transformers 2 (too serious).

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mid Day Thoughts

  • I am watching Cosmos (from the 70's) and it looks like they had some pretty high end motion tracking special effects (for the 70's at least).
  • I am a fan of the late Carl Sagan's enthusiasm.
  • This Carl Sagan video enthralls me.
  • Bought a lottery scratch off on my birthday hoping for some cosmic luck, no dice.
  • Had an examination with a surgeon for a possible hernia, lets just say I now have no secrets from the doc.
  • Bought radiator leak stuff repair powder. I wonder if it will work...
  • There is a birthday snickers bar on my keyboard just staring at me...
  • I don't need it.
  • I will eat it.
  • Thought a big bill payment was due this pay period, I was wrong. Yippie!
  • Hoping to get my Super Beetle running properly this week.
  • Had some Coke from McDonald's that WASN'T Spectacular (for the first time). It is always sooo good from there. That's what makes McDonald's the biggest fast food place, they are consistent with their food (99% of the time).
  • Where would we be without spellcheck?
  • A freeze warning tomorrow... sure, ok.
  • It would be cool if local news stations HAD to tell you how accurate their weather prediction was from the previous day.
  • Have you seen that one weather woman on channel 5 who's head is HUGE?
  • The Decatur Hospital's foundation is having another New Year's Eve party. First time in 3 years (I think). Might go.
  • I don't drink so many parties are pointless. I just don't care to do drink. What's wrong with me?!
  • Am I the only person who breaks out in hives at having to sit through commercials.
  • I don't watch much TV. The Food Network makes my eyes bleed.
  • I like channel 13's British Comedies though.

Tuesday Memory Dump

  • Pretty quite Birthday yesterday.
  • Winstar slots are too tight = no fun.
  • I guess Winstar has to pay for all that new construction somehow.
  • I was trying out a new Star Wars slot and lost my 10 bucks. Then right when I pressed cash out the machine awarded me 4.50. It's like the machine felt bad for taking my money and tried to make it right by giving me some back at the last minute.
  • Daytime television = brain melt.
  • I love making lists of things. Makes me feel so 'on top of things'.
  • People in Wise County drive like they are in NASCAR.
  • The movie Contact is fantastic.
  • Finished 99% of all outdoor projects for the year (and it's cleanup) right before the cold hit.
  • Now for 5 months of being trapped inside.
  • Been stuck playing Tropico 2: Pirate Cove for a few days now.
  • Here is a fun/quick flash game involving my favorite period of time. Middle Ages.
  • Starting to finally watch Transformers 2. It's messing with my eyes (all the effects).
  • Cryboys lost this weekend = don't care.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Mid Day Thought

  • Ate lunch at Stevens Street Grill in Bridgeport. Pretty good.
  • National gaming day is tomorrow. Need to break out the Axis and Allies.
  • FB post brought up the fact that my dad was on that TV show Bowling for Dollars in the 70's. Te he.
  • I guess changing the name of the Doctor's Hospital in Bridgeport to Community Hospital was to boost business. As we all know the word 'Doctor' = 'expensive'.
  • The first time I spent any time in Bridgeport was when I went to a 6 week Ham Radio License course. Now everytime I go there that's the first thing I think of.
  • About to rejoin the Science Fiction Book Club. I do that about once every other year.
  • Just learned last week that Gary Numan (the song 'Cars') is very Dark/Goth Electronic.
  • I am the only person I know that loves (or even likes) the group Madness.
  • As of this coming April my TV show will have been on for 6 years.

Ok, back to work, break is over.

Friday Memory Dump

  • I'm sitting infront of the ham radio waiting for the Friday check in.
  • Did you ever notice in horror movies the really scary houses you remember are symmetrical in design (1428 Elm St, Amityville, etc)?
  • I'm getting QST radio magazine every 2 weeks! Yikes, I have never gotten a biweekly subscription before.
  • I subscribe to Wizard, QST, and ToyFare.
  • I used to subscribe to Renaissance. It was wayyy too expensive.
  • I am asking for a subscription to Hot VWs for Christmas or Birthday.
  • Birthday is Monday, Winstar here I come!
  • I think I really enjoy reading SciFi short story collection books more than anything else.
  • I really like quick, short stories.
  • Heather Hays on Fox 4 News really needs to do something with that hair.
  • I am currently rewatching my MASH Dvds. I am on season 3.
  • Going to eat at El Rancho Grande (North Fort Worth) tomorrow. Excellent place.
  • I think carbon taxes/credits are ridiculous. I think they are simply a new way the people can be taxed and the government can get away with it.
  • Call of Duty Modern Warfare sold 310 million dollars worth in the first 24 hours. That kicks the crap out of any big budget movie.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mid Day Thought

A Nightmare on Elm Street jumped the shark with part 4. They were doing fine until then. Freddy was still mostly scary and they finished him off (by burying his bones). After that there was no reason for him to come back. It became total crap.

Now, Wes Craven's New Nightmare was a FANTASTIC concept (and mostly pulled off). I think it could have been better given the premise.

Freddy Vs. Jason could have been THE GREATEST MODERN HORROR MOVIE OF ALL TIME but it just didn't work out. The plot was somewhat solid, the playthough sucked.

The new Nightmare movie coming out next year look like crap. I'm sorry to say I'm not that excited. It looks to be VERY cliche. Also the makeup doesn't look scary, just sad. Who knows, maybe it will be great!

  • My bank is currently having a total meltdown and I was denied at the grocery store. That is sooo embarrasing.
  • It is so nice outside. It's days like today that make me wish I were a groundskeeper or something.
  • I have spent all day trying to figure out software licensing for one program. TEDIOUS.
  • 90% Halloween at Wally World!
  • There was a Star Wars ATST toy exclusive at Wally World too. New design, cool. $40, not cool.

Memory Dump - Thursday

  • It's payday, yay! Won't my creditors be happy!?
  • It's payday, yay! Time to go to the bank and see if they have any interesting coins.
  • Sorted my 'coin collection' this morning... not so much 'collection'.
  • A lot of recently purchased silver rounds in the collection. Ofcourse I would buy when silver is at it's all time high.
  • A lot of heavy fog on the way to work today, makes for SLOW driving.
  • Someone was driving too fast in New Fairview and failed to stop at the 2264/407 stop sign. I am guessing it was the fog's fault. Saw the truck about 60 feet in the field across the road.
  • Me purchasing stock for some company = company soon to go bankrupt. Never fails. Bye bye Disney.
  • Netflix Transformers Revenge of the Fallen is still sitting at the house, unwatched... I keep meaning to watch it...
  • Played some Tropico 2: Pirate Cove last night. I love how they call the need to see the Wenches in the brothels 'beauty aids'.
  • The music for the game is very catchy.
  • The wife told me Jane McGarry from NBC5 was doing a live news commercial promo last night and she was caught off guard, not realizing she was live and was making some interesting comments. She doesn't mention it in her blog though. I guess that would make her look unperfessional. Jane's Take
  • I NEED to get back the gym ASAP. It's that time again. Time to convince myself to get off my ass and do it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Too much???

This is the night vision goggles from Modern Warefare 2's delux set.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Yard Tip (Flower Beds)

Now that I have given you a tip for painting (see August 2008) I thought I'd give you a yard tip.

When working with flower beds, don't bother with 'weed block fabric'. That stuff sucks! Sure, it will block some grass/weeds from growing but it all in all it won't last and you STILL get some weeds growing through.

If you do have some flowerbeds and you need to stop weeds from growing in them use...

Roofing Underlayment! It's also called Felt Paper. It's about 20 bucks for a large roll of it. It's a solid felt material that will block out everything!

Now I am not just giving you some advice I heard. I have tried it. I have a flower bed with 50% weed block fabric and 50% felt paper. I have little to no weeds with the felt paper side and a crap load of weeds with the so called 'weed block fabric'.

It really does do the trick and keeps my flower beds easy to upkeep. Ok, no go abck to porn surfing...

Monday, July 27, 2009

New Blog!

Hey, I have added a new blog for myself and my cohorts from the show. You can check it out at:

Monday, July 13, 2009

Is it wrong to be afraid?

Is it wrong to be afraid of the current administration? I have been getting increasingly paranoid about what our government is turning into. Now, I am not talking about reading our brains, or tracking our every move (and other crazy things) but worried about the total control this administration is pushing for when it comes to our everyday lives.

Let's take the cap and trade law coming (oh yes, it will pass, and oh no, there is no factual proof to back up their global warming BS claims but you will be paying for it anyway). It is a law that punishes you for living. There is no real reason for it.

Taxes are there to fund things (unemployment, benefits, national infrastructure, etc) while cap and trade is taxing you for NOTHING. It's a punishment tax. Obama himself said he hopes the tax will make people use less. That's it! It's purpose is to punish us ALL to force us to buy less, use less, etc... Why aren't people in the streets rioting about this?

I was thinking about taxes we currently pay. It's estimates that the typical middle class American pays somewhere around 50% of his/her pay in TAXES!!


How do they get away with this you ask... I'll tell you. The same way they get away with everything... little by little. Do you think America would revolt if all workers got 50% of their paycheck taken out right on top? Of course. But, take out payroll taxes here, sales tax over there, property tax over that way... and it builds up. 50% people! 50% of your pay goes to the government (who manages it's badly and just wants MORE). I always knew I was fiscally Conservative for some reason and this just proves my stance. So I make 50k a year, after all is said and done I am making 25k a year (a retail job's value). Imagine what poor people actually make in a year after taxes... it is a scary thought.

Now what I find amusing is that the liberals love these taxes. They tax and tax and tax because they feel they need this money to take care of the poor. All they are doing is keeping the poor down! What do the poor then do? They quit working, quit owning homes, quit owning vehicles... aka STOP PAYING TAXES. The burden is then moved onto the people who are actually doing the right thing and paying taxes... the middle class. Why get a job when you end up paying all those taxes and loosing all those benefits like free food and near free rent, free heath care, etc?

I now have sympathy for those who tax dodge.

All this comes back to the current administration who sits there paving the way to take even more of my money and give it to people who will NEVER bother getting off the gravy train they are on. It scares me.

What can I do to avoid what they are trying to do to me? I am not going to live 'less' for Obama's fucking benefit. It's my life, my one shot and I don't give a shit about feeling good about living with less so others can have more.

So what can I do?

1.) Take it in the ass and just pay.

2.) Tax dodge (aka do work and get paid under the table).

3.) Move to another country (an insane idea that doesn't sound so insane anymore).

4.) Quit my job and get on assistance so I don't have to pay taxes.

I wonder what the taxes were when the colonies decided they had enough and revolted? I am 90% sure they weren't what they are today.

Friday, June 19, 2009

3 Stooges - A Study In Psycological Disorders

Ok, if you watch the 3 stooges you notice a LARGE number of stories where Curly (or Curley as he is called in early episodes) has some crazy reactions in particular situations. He goes nutso when he hears 'pop goes the weasel' or he can only be calmed down with cheese or he goes crazy at the smell of wild hyacinth. I tell you the man had some huge issues! I love the 3 stooges by the way (even with Shemp, but no Curly Joe).

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bug ahoy!

See that VW Beetle... oh yeah, that's mine!
Bought and took this pic on the way home (no I was not driving it).

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Oh my...

The Dollar Tree sells Steaks???
One dollar steaks???
Oh my.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Here is my computer setup at work... oh yeah.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Finally got some burning done

Week before last the weather conditions in Rhome were FINALLY right for burning (after like 2 years!). I swear I want to rename Rhome to Wuthering Heights.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yeah, I been busy!

So what?!
With selling the house and filming According To Whim season 2, it's been crazy. I have many new photos to dump soon so just wait a second!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Old school museum

We went to the Denver museum of natural history while we were visiting my brother. That is an old school style museum! They have these huge gallries with mega-sized diaoramas filled with animals. Some were nearly the size of half my house! I have never been to a museum like it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Secret code... nah

It's the back of my temporary radio operator license plate. It was a handy place to write notes on. This is actually a list of times. When I bought a new radio for my truck I went cheap and got one at walmart for like 30.00. It plays MP3s (which is what I wanted)... one problem... when you turn off the truck, the radio does not save your place in the MP3... No biggie, right? Well, I listen to audio books (for the most part) while I am in my truck so the tracks are like 45-110 minutes long... you can see my problem now can't you? Basically I have to denote the time before I shut off my truck on this handy dandy note card. This sheet represents about four months of driving and audio book listening.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Farwell Stripling & Cox

The Stripling & Cox building (headquarters) was located on Camp Bowie... was. The company folded up many months back and they finally decided to clear the old building. It's been there well before I was born and it's kind of sad to see it go.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Something interesting I found

I found this bit of art on a caution cone sitting at the Exxon in Burleson, Tx. I have no idea what it means but I thought it was interesting enough to shoot.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rainbows, Cinnamon Buns, and Lollypops

What the hell is wrong with everyone???!!!! They are acting like the day the new president takes over, the world is going to instantly smell like Cinnamon Buns, Rainbows, and Lollypops. There is SOOOOO much hype that the fall is going to be that more grand!

When the so called 'unbiased' media is unabashedly having 'Obamagasms' it's pretty evident that things are getting way out of control.

Let's wait six months and see how things actually happen as opposed to what everyone promised was going to happen.

Friday, January 9, 2009

First Gameday of 2009

Yesterday James and Chris came over for a day of gaming. This entails taking off work and spending all day playing as many boardgames as possible. We got started at about 10:30a and finished at about 9:30p. James had to leave eariler but Chris stayed and we continued. We played:

Warhammer Quest



Clue: The Great Museum Caper

Mystery Mansion




It doesn't seem like much but a couple of these games takes a couple of hours to play. Muchkin took us more than two house simply becasue it was our first time playing. BTW it's a really fun (and funny) game.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Bush sucks! NOW I'm T R E N D Y!!!!

America stinks!
Americans are killing the planet!
Ok, now that I have done what EVERY WEBSITE AND BLOG has done now am I trendy?
You know how popular it is to hate America.


2008 - The most vile of years...

It's bad... it's nasty... it's a Y E A R.

Ok, give up the crap. Everyone is all dissing on 2008, all so glad it's over. I mean... COME ON! As Douglas Adams wrote: Time is an illusion, lunch time doubly so. Things aren't going to magially get better when you have to start writing 2009 on all your checks. It's just a number we use to measure time. There has been so much 'to do about nothing' that it's driving me bonkers.

While I'm on this soap box let me assure you that the world isn't going to instantly start smelling like sunshine, puppies, rainbows, and butterflies when the Affirmative Action's greatest achievement takes office (like you have been told a million times during the election). Things are still going to continue to go down (and up) no matter who is there.

Ups and Downs... it's the natural process. You can't go up forever, you have to go down at some point.

Quit whining people!